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Please choose 10 of the following 32 lessons:Cancel
Lesson 1 Hardy herbaceous perennials part 1. Plant choice. Propagation, pests and diseases.
Lesson 2 Alpines. Historical background. Landscaping with alpine plants. Propagation.
Lesson 3 Shrubs and their uses. Deciduous shrubs. A closer study of two plant families.
Lesson 4 Greenhouse and conservatory plants and choices of greenhouse/glasshouses.
Lesson 5 Pools and water plants. Water in landscape, siting and water feature. Pools.
Lesson 6 The old shrub roses. Naming and classification of roses. Botany of the rose.
Lesson 7 Soil assessment and improvement. Types of soil, drainage, nutrients.
Lesson 8 Good housekeeping in the garden. Soils and general care. Vegetables.
Lesson 9 Garden history part 1. Styles from 16th-17th to 20th century. Post 1945.
Lesson 10 Garden history part 2. Greek and Roman gardens to the present day.
Lesson 11 Front gardens. The nature and historical perspective of the front garden.
Lesson 12 The genus Primula. Cultivation under glass. Seed and vegetative propagation.
Lesson 13 Chain saw use, care and maintenance. Health and safety. Trouble shooting.